Courses I have taken online:
Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp, Udemy
Software Development Essential, Laioffer
A/B testing, Udacity
The ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
MySQL for Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
R programming for Statistics and Data Science
Visually Effective Excel Dashboards
Interactive Python Dashboards with ploty and Dash
The ultimate MySQL Bootcamp: Go from SQL Beginner to Expert
Tableau 10 Advanced Training: Master Tableau in Data Science.
Courses I enrolled @ UWM
AAE 875: Fundamentals of OOP and Data Analytics
AAE 375: Introduction to Spreadsheet Fundamentals and Applications
CS301: Introduction to Data Programming (001) FA19
AAE 771 Calculus and Intermediate Microeconomics
AAE 636 Applied Econometric Analysis
AAE 721 Writing and Speaking for Applied Economists
AAE 772 Applied Econometrics for QAE & REDA
AAE 706 Risk Analysis
AAE 720 Seminar in Quantitative and Applied Economics
AAE 722 Machine Learning in Applied Economic Analysis
AAE 723 Professional Development for Applied Economists
AAE 724 Practicum for Applied Economists