7-Marketing Email campaign 7-Marketing Email campaign
Background: This notebook aims to optimize the marketing campaigns. Specifically, we will achieve: - What percentage
6-Price Test 6-Price Test
Background: This notebook aims to evaluate whether a pricing test running on the site has been successful. Specifically,
3-Employee_rentention 3-Employee_rentention
Background: This notebook aims to predict when employees are going to quit by understanding the main drivers of employee
4-Identifying Fraudulent activities 4-Identifying Fraudulent activities
Background: This notebook aims to build a machine learning model that predicts the probability that the first transactio
2-spanish_translation AB test 2-spanish_translation AB test
Background: This notebook aims to perform a funnel analysis for an e-commerce This notebook covers: Data Cleaning (joi
1-converison rate 1-converison rate
Background: we have data about users who hit our site, whether they converted or not as well as some of their charac